Script to list all Citrix published applications and the users/groups assigned to them




‘Description: Write to the cmd session a list of all published apps and the

‘             users and groups assigned to them.

‘Usage:       e.g. >cscript pubAppRpt.vbs


Dim mfFarm

Dim mfApp

Dim mfGrp

Dim mfUsr

Set mfFarm = CreateObject(“MetaFrameCOM.MetaFrameFarm”)

mfFarm.Initialize 1

For Each mfApp In mfFarm.Applications

mfApp.LoadData 1

WScript.Echo “Published Application – ” & mfApp.Appname

WScript.Echo ”    Groups”

For Each mfGrp In mfApp.Groups

WScript.Echo ”        ” & mfGrp.GroupName



WScript.Echo ”    Users”

For Each mfUsr In mfApp.Users

WScript.Echo ”        ” & mfUsr.UserName





Script to list all Citrix published applications and the users/groups assigned to them

Script to list all Citrix servers in a farm


On Error Resume Next

Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10

Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20

ctxServer = “.”

Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\\” & ctxServer & “\root\Citrix”)

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(“SELECT * FROM Citrix_Server”, “WQL”, _

wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)

Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

If objFSO.FileExists(“FarmServers.txt”) Then

objFSO.DeleteFile “FarmServers.txt”

End If

Set objOutput = objFSO.CreateTextFile(“FarmServers.txt”)

For Each objItem In colItems


objOutput.WriteLine “==========================================”

objOutput.WriteLine “Server Name: ” & objItem.ServerName

objOutput.WriteLine “==========================================”

objOutput.WriteLine “Domain: ” & objItem.Domain

objOutput.WriteLine “Farm Name: ” & objItem.FarmName

objOutput.WriteLine “IP Address: ” & objItem.IPAddress

objOutput.WriteLine “Logins Enabled: ” & objItem.LoginsEnabled

objOutput.WriteLine “Zone Name: ” & objItem.ZoneName

objOutput.WriteLine “Zone Ranking: ” & objItem.ZoneRanking





Set objShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)

objShell.Run “notepad.exe FarmServers.txt”


Script to list all Citrix servers in a farm

Citrix License Server Access error

You try and log onto the Citrix License Management Console, and get the following error:

“You did not authenticate correctly. Please try again or contact your System Administrator.”

This is likely due to your log credentials, or you do not have an account to administer the Licenses.

To overcome this, browse to:

C:\progfram files\citrix\licensing\lmc\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml

edit the file, copy another account, and replace the username.

Citrix License Server Access error

Citrix Clientname Passthrough

This registry fix enables clientname passthrough on a Citrix server. This helps when a user logs onto a Citrix Published desktop, then launches a published app from the published desktop. In this situation, 2 concurrent licenses can be used up because the user is logging onto 2 different published apps from 2 different clients.

By adding this registry key to the server that is servicing the Published desktop, the client name will passed through to the Citrix server where the published app is published from, hence only 1 Citrix concurrent license is used up.

32-BIT OS Key:


64-BIT OS Key:


Citrix Clientname Passthrough